
Knee Pain Treatment

Thokkanam (Physical manipulation)

This treatment may be defined as physical manipulation of body or the massage treatment which is either given to the entire body or a particular diseased part. Massage is done in two ways:

First is just by using bare hands and second by using oil. There are 9 techniques used in this treatment.
a.Thattal b. Irukkal c. Pidithal d. Murukal e. Kaikattal f. Azhuthal g.Izhuthal
h. Malarthuthal i. Asaithal

Thokkanam is a method of manipulation and mobilization used primarily in the treatment of conditions related changes in the varmam points leading to mechanical type of problems in joints and muscles.

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Poochu (Liquid application) Superficial application of herbal juices or Medicated oil on the affected areas is called as Poochu. Applying diluted sandal paste on the body and particularly after tonsuring