
Ottradam is one of the 32 types of external medicine. Ottradam is the application of hot or cold packs. It is normally done with materials heated to appropriate temperature. While throwing out waste as toxins through the skin it also helps disperse aggravated doshams, dilating all body channels for cleansing. Otradam is classified into 2 types hot and cold fomentation. It is the application of hot packs of pulses, cereals husk, lime, brick powder, leaves etc.. on or around the affected part for contusion and other swelling.

The substances like lime powder, bran, brick powder, egg- shell, leaves of medicinal plants like Vitex negundo (Nochi), Calotropis gigantea (Erukku), Ricinus communis (Amanakku), Abutilon indicum (Thuthi) etc are tied in a cloth as a bundle. This medicated bundle is heated and applied over the affected area. This type of treatment is very effective for Vatham ailments (Arthritis) and painful conditions like muscle cramps, bone
disorders etc.

The following materials can be used for fomentation mostly kept in a cotton pouch and warming. Powdered slaked lime, egg shell, ash of cow dung cake, Tachyspermum ammi (Omum), Dolichus lablab (Kollu)

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