According to Siddhars, the entire universe is made up of panchaboothams viz. prithvi, appu, theyu, vayu, agayam. It ponders in all creations (living & nonliving) of God in sundry proportions. The basic of theory of Siddha pronounced, that the human body is concocted of 96 thathuvams.
Their functions are tyrannized by trithathus or uyir thathus viz. Valli, azhal, iyam and is cajoled by aaru suvaigal( sweet, salt, sour, bitter, pungent, astringent ) which in turn concocted by panchabootham. That’s why Siddhar Sattamuni said, ”any change in the cosmos, is contemplated in the human body”.
If the natural harmony of the trithathus becomes altered, kutram( vadham, pitham, kabam ) formed and this disequilibrium causes various diseases. Dysharmony of trithathus may be cajoled by aaru suvaigal, climatic change and habits of the individual and it may effortlessly annotated by envagai thervugal. In such a way, trithatus may be infuriated and it harbors various diseases. One amidst the 18 siddhars, Yoogimuni has given a matchless contribution in classifying disease into 4448.
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